Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Feets don't fail me now!

You know what is really funny later, but isn't so much at the time?  When you sit on the toilet for too long and your legs fall asleep.

I have encountered this problem a few times thanks to my smartphone's access to internet, games, texting, and whatnot.  

I wasn't feeling to well at work tonight so I was going through my checklist of things, have I eaten today? Have I had enough water?  Did I poop yet?   Well, I did eat some pizza that I am now regretting, but I did need some water, and then I decided to take that trip to the bathroom.

I knew I wasn't going to be done yet, but that feeling of dead weight in my legs began to sink in.  And then I started to panic.  Are my legs going to wake up in time to walk me out of here?  What if I fall?  That would be embarassing, and I don't remember the last time these stalls were mopped!?

So I said a prayer after I did my paperwork and slowly stood.  Okay good, they woke up.  Here we go to wash our hands.  By the time I made my way to the sink that ridiculous pins and needles feeling began to prickle and tickle my feet with every step.  And I thanked God that my older brother Matt wasn't around because the last time his leg fell asleep I started slapping it.  I could only imagine the pay back I would have received.

After a sufficient hand washing, I began to make my way down the hallway giggling.  Are you aware of how strange it is laughing like a small child by yourself in the middle of a 2000 square foot foyer?  Which made me laugh harder.  So not only was my body torturing itself by tickles, I had the giggles. 

Now back in my office with the normal feeling in my legs, I feel slightly better physically and mentally, I am probably crazy, because I am thinking, could you imagine this happening to the president?  The Pope?  Colin Powell?  And any other major figure.  Try not to laugh at the thought of that as they walk towards a group of people with that stiff leg, slow step into the public eye.

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